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2024 Annual Assessment Increase

Published: November 20, 2023

We are writing to inform you about an upcoming change in our assessment structure for the year 2024. After careful consideration and analysis of our financial standing, operational costs, and future investments, we have determined that a 20% increase in assessments is necessary to maintain the high standards of service and support that Northpointe Crossing Homeowners' Association (NPCHA) is committed to providing.

Effective January 1, 2024, the quarterly assessment for NPCHA will be $132.00 per quarterly payment. Owners who fail to make payment by January 30, 2024, will be subject to late fees and collection costs.

This decision has not been taken lightly, and we understand that any increase in assessments may have an impact on our members. Therefore, we would like to outline the key factors that led to this decision:

    1. Rising Operational Costs: Over the past few years, the cost of providing our services has increased due to inflation, higher utility expenses, and the need for ongoing infrastructure improvements. This assessment increase will help us cover these rising operational costs and ensure the continued quality of life.
    2. Investment in Enhancements: To meet the evolving needs and expectations of our members, we plan to invest in various enhancements, particularly the North Ravine Project. These investments are crucial for the long-term sustainability and growth of our community.
    3. Maintaining Financial Stability: A careful review of our financial projections indicates that the current assessment structure is not sufficient to maintain the desired level of financial stability. The 20% increase is essential to ensure that we can continue to operate efficiently and provide the services that our members rely on.

We understand that any adjustment in assessments can pose challenges for our members, and we are committed to assisting those who may face financial difficulties as a result of this change.

We appreciate your understanding and support as we work to enhance our community and secure its financial future. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Board at: and/or our Community Manager Burt Jones at:

Click here to download and read the North Pointe Crossing - 2024 Assessment Increase Notice

Northpointe Crossing HOA

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